How to Perform a Banishing Spell

How to Perform a Banishing Spell

Performing a banishing spell is a powerful way to remove negative influences, whether it’s a person, habit, or even an unwanted situation. But it’s important to approach this type of spellwork with clear intentions and respect for the energy you are working with. The idea is not to harm but to distance yourself from something that no longer serves you, giving you the freedom to move forward without that weight.

Here’s a simple guide to help you get started with your banishing spell.

Set Your Intention

Before diving into the spell, take some time to reflect on why you want to perform a banishing. What are you trying to remove? It could be a negative person, a toxic habit, or even lingering bad energy from a situation. The key is to be specific. Vague intentions lead to unfocused energy. Ask yourself what impact this person or situation has on your life, and how their removal will bring peace.

Once your intention is clear, write it down. This written statement is called your “petition.” You’ll use it later in the spell.

Choose the Right Time

Banishing spells work best during a waning moon, which is the period when the moon is getting smaller. This symbolizes reduction and letting go, making it the perfect time to cast a spell aimed at removing something from your life. If possible, try to perform your spell on a Tuesday, a day associated with Mars, the planet of action and conflict resolution. This will give your spell extra strength.

Gather Your Tools

For a banishing spell, the tools you use are important but don’t stress about having every single item listed. The most important thing is your intention. Here are some common items that can enhance your spell:

  • Herbs like sage, lemon peel, basil, and rosemary for cleansing and protection.
  • Salt for purification and grounding.
  • Candles (black for absorbing negativity or white for purity) symbolize your intentions.
  • Banishing or Uncrossing Oil to empower your candles.
  • A fire safe bowl to hold your ingredients and petition.
  • Parchment or paper to write your intention.

If you don’t have all these items, feel free to improvise. What matters most is that each item represents something meaningful to you.

Prepare Your Space

Before you begin, cleanse the space where you’ll perform the spell. This can be done by burning sage or incense and walking through the room, visualizing any negative energy being swept away by the smoke.

Performing the Spell

Now that your space is clear and your intention is set, it’s time to perform the spell:

  1. Mix your herbs and salt in the fire-safe bowl. This mixture will symbolize cleansing and protection.
  2. Write down what you want to banish on the parchment paper. Be specific! If it’s a person, write their name and the negative impact they have on you. If it’s a bad habit or energy, describe it clearly.
  3. Fold the paper away from you. This action symbolizes pushing the unwanted energy out of your life. Turn the paper counterclockwise and fold it again, repeating this process three times.
  4. Anoint your candles with the banishing oil. This empowers the candles with your intention. Start from the middle of the candle and rub the oil toward the wick.
  5. Place the candles in a circle around your fire-safe bowl, with one candle in the center. The other four candles should be placed at the North, South, East, and West points around the bowl.
  6. Light the candles starting with the center, then move counterclockwise. As you light each candle, visualize the negative energy being pulled away from you, dissipating into the flames.
  7. Speak your intention aloud, something like:

“With this fire, I release you,

Your influence is no more,

I reclaim my peace, my space, my life.”

Feel free to adapt the words to your specific situation. The more personal, the more effective the spell.

Let the candles burn out completely. Don’t blow them out — let the energy dissipate naturally. Once they’re done, take the remains (wax, herbs, and your petition) and dispose of them far from your home, such as at a crossroads. This symbolizes the final removal of the unwanted energy.

After the Ritual

After the ritual, take a few moments to center yourself. Banishment spells can stir up emotions or lingering energies, so take time to meditate or ground yourself. It’s important to let go emotionally and spiritually of what you’ve banished.

Tips for a Successful Banishing Spell

  1. Set Clear Intentions: Be sure of what you want to banish. Uncertainty or mixed feelings can dilute the power of your spell.
  2. Use Corresponding Colors and Elements: Black candles absorb negative energy, and salt and herbs are traditional elements for purification. Incorporating these symbolic tools will enhance your spell.
  3. Be Mindful of Your Energy: Banishing spells is not about creating harm but about freeing yourself. Approach the ritual with a calm, focused mind.

Variations of Banishing Spells

Banishing spells can be adapted to suit your personal preferences and spiritual practice. Here are some additional methods:

  • Smoke Cleansing: If you don’t want to use fire or candles, you can banish by smudging with sage or other cleansing herbs while stating your intention.
  • Jar Spells: Write your intention and place it in a jar with banishing herbs and salt. Seal the jar and bury it far from your home.
  • Water Rituals: Write down what you want to banish and dissolve it in water (like seawater or rainwater). Release the water away from your home, symbolizing the removal of the negative energy.


A banishing spell can be a powerful tool for cleansing your life of unwanted energies, people, or situations. By setting a clear intention, following the proper steps, and using the right tools, you can effectively rid yourself of negativity and make room for positive change. Remember, the most important element in any spell is your focus and belief. As you perform the ritual, trust that the universe will align to help you clear your path.

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